The F-Word: Gen Z Reclaims Feminism

Written by Joslyn

On 29 July WOMAG ran a dialogue to explore society's perception - and often misconception - of feminism, and Gen Z's journey to reclaim the power of the feminist movement. Titled "The F-Word: Gen Z Reclaims Feminism", this youth-lead session offered the WOMAG Community a chance to learn from young leaders and understand Gen Z's hopes for the future of the feminist movement. 

The panel of young leaders included Joslyn Blass (Intern, WOMAG), Radhe Patel, (Research Intern, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine), Justin Tran (Student, Singapore American School) and Li-Ann Chua (Associate, Grow Asia). 

This interview with Joslyn Blass highlights some of the key insights that emerged from the event


What is your definition of Feminism? 

Feminism is equality and empowerment for all regardless of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, etc. 

Who should be a Feminist?

Everyone. The Feminist movement is not reserved for women only. In fact this movement is more powerful when supported by men. Feminist ideas uplift and support everyone, which makes it a movement that everyone can and should be a part of. Men often shy away from the Feminist movement, when in fact they have the ability to be key players in our movement. As Feminist we fight for men everyday. We fight to break down male stereotypes. We advocate for men’s mental health. We work to dismantle toxic masculinity that exists at the expense of both men and women. We fight for Black men and White men alike. We fight for Asian women and Latina women alike. The Feminist movement fights for all regardless of gender or race or ethnicity– so this is a movement for everyone to fight for. 

How can men be better Feminists?

One of the easiest things a man can do to be a better Feminist is to hold other men accountable. When you hear a man make a ‘joke’ at the expense of a woman– call him out. When you see a man making unwanted, inappropriate advances towards a woman– call him out. Unfortunately, men tend to only listen to other men, which makes holding other men accountable one of the most impactful ways you can better the Feminist movement.  

What does the ideal future of feminism look like to you?

The future of Feminism is a world where everyone feels comfortable and empowered to declare themselves as a Feminist. A society that celebrates Feminism rather than teaching young girls and boys to be ashamed to identify as Feminist. 

How does social media impact the Feminist Movement?

From a Gen Z point of view, social media platforms (particularly Tik Tok) have unified an entire generation on a global scale. The trends and videos that we view in Singapore are also being viewed by teenagers all around the world. This means that content and messages are spread like wildfire– and the ability to go viral is almost easy. Through making videos about Feminist beliefs and ideas, and also recording first-hand accounts of anti-Feminist behavior, more and more teens are able to feel connected to this movement. Social media is readily accessible. So by utilizing Tik Tok and Instagram and all other platforms, Feminist ideals can spread on a global basis. Social media is a catalyst for the modern Feminist Movement


Missed the event? No worries! You can watch a recording of the session here.To stay up-to-date on WOMAG programmes, news and events, follow us on LinkedIn and/or subscribe to our mailing list at the bottom of our website.

About the Author

Joslyn is an incoming Freshman at the University of Minnesota, where she will be pursuing a Bachelors of Arts in Political Science & Strategic Communications. Joslyn graduated from Singapore American School in May of 2020 and proceeded to take a year off to work before attending University. Over the course of her Gap year, Joslyn interned for WOMAG, working across the Professional Develop, Events and Marketing & Communications committees. With a strong interest in social media, politics and communications, Joslyn is working towards a career in either Social Media Management or Campaign Management.